Visiting Professor Activity In 2024 by Prof. Ming-Shyan Wang from STUST Taiwan

On 13-16 May 2024, the Electronics Engineering Education Study Program of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta proudly hosted a Visiting Professor by Prof. Ming-Shyan Wang from Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology. During the four days, Prof. Wang gave in-depth lectures and workshops on servo motor control and scientific paper writing strategies. In the servo motor control session, Prof. Wang discussed the basic principles, practical applications, as well as servo motor performance optimization techniques, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of the importance of this technology in modern industry.

Meanwhile, the scientific paper writing session focused on effective strategies in writing and publishing research results. Prof. Wang shared tips on topic selection, writing structure, as well as good referencing techniques. The event was enthusiastically attended by students of the Electronics Engineering Education Study Program, who appreciated the opportunity to learn directly from an expert in their field. The active participation of the students in this activity shows their enthusiasm and commitment in improving academic and research quality in the field of electronic engineering.


