Electronics Students Soar to Victory at Indonesian Flying Robot Contest

Yogyakarta State University again made achievements in the field of robotics by winning two winners at the same time at the 2021 Indonesian Flying Robot Contest (KRTI) which was held by the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas) Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Saturday (20/11) evening at UNS online and offline . KRTI is expected to be able to improve students' communication skills, teamwork and critical thinking in seeking innovation in the world of aviation because the ability of students in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 to create various unmanned aircraft according to the function of their use will have a positive impact on the development of aircraft technology in Indonesia in the future. will come. Robot Az-zawra Biantara UNY won 2nd place in Propulsion System Development (ESC/ECU) and 3rd place in Ground Control Station (GCS). According to UNY Deputy Chancellor's Expert Staff for Student and Alumni Affairs Dr. Pujianto, Az-zawra Biantara is divided into 4 sub-divisions namely Az-zawra Biantara GCS, Az-zawra Biantara ESC, Az-zawra Biantara Flight Controller (FC), and Az-zawra Biantara Airframe Innovation. "We won the ESC and GCS sub-divisions," he said.

Head of the ESC sub-division Zulhakim Seftiyana Roviyan said their strategy for winning 2nd place in the 2021 KRTI was to frequently do research. "We are researching systems that have not yet been found, so a try and error system will be a top priority," he said. According to him, the aircraft is risky, a problem with a lost signal can cause a crash, so the components in an unmanned aircraft must be thoroughly tested first. ESC is the control of power output and speed to change of throttle. Zulhakim explained that ESCs on the market have a low level of efficiency, therefore they developed a multi-variance electronic speed controller for autonomous fixed wing URV which aims to maximize the efficiency level of power use in the ESC so that it can maximize battery power to fly longer. One of the members of the ESC division, Fahrul Hidayat, added that the advantage of their ESC is that it is equipped with an IOT with GCS as a supporting technology for monitoring ESC conditions. The Head of the GCS subdivision, Andy Prasetyo, said that the technology they use is an antenna tracker, which costs less than APM-based antenna trackers, but has the same capabilities and functions. "It is used to monitor the aircraft's position based on latitude and longitude coordinates and display videos using latitude coordinates," he explained. The hope is that the innovations developed by his team can help problems in the field of unmanned aircraft, especially in GCS.

KRTI 2021 takes place November 15-20 2021 and is attended by 163 teams from 61 universities throughout Indonesia. Chairman of the KRTI Committee Prof. Dodi Ariawan said that in this competition it could be seen that Indonesian students could have good skills in designing and designing flying robots. "In the future it can be used for applications," said Dodi Ariawan. The UNS Faculty of Engineering Professor gave an example of a robot that can transport goods from one building to another which will be very useful when a disaster occurs.

The ESC Robot Az-zawra Biantara UNY subdivision consists of Zulhakim Seftiyana Roviyan electronics engineering education study program, Dheni Leo, Faris Alvianto, Husain Abdul Fattah and Geby Leorista mechatronics engineering education study program, Fahrul Hidayat and Briyan Pambudi electrical engineering education study program and Fiki Ardianto education study program mechanical engineering with mentoring lecturer Dr. phil. Ir. Mashoedah, S.Pd., M.T. and Octave Agni Dhewa, M.Cs. Meanwhile, the GCS sub-division consists of Andi Prasetyo, D4 Electronic Engineering Study Program, Ganang Wahyu Hidayat, Electronic Engineering Education Study Program, Rifky Ahmad Fahrezi, Mechatronics Engineering Study Program, and Ayuni Nawangsih, Special Education Study Program with supervisor Ardy Seto Priambodo, S.T., M.Eng. This achievement is one of UNY's efforts in the sustainable development agenda in the field of quality education. (Deddy)
