Electronics Lecturer Empowers Yogyakarta LP Ma'arif Teachers with Python Programming Mastery

Python is a high-level programming language and is one of the programming languages that can build applications, whether web-based or mobile-based. The Python programming language is very suitable to be taught to students, especially in vocational schools related to the Informatics major as a provision for facing the world of work. Seeing this, the JPTEI lecturer service group who are members of the BEAIS research group, namely Fatchul Arifin, Aris Nasuha, Ardy Seto P, and Anggun Winursito, held a community service activity in the form of basic Python programming training at Ma'arif LP Yogyakarta. One branch of LP Ma'arif NU at the regional level is LP Ma'arif NU Yogyakarta which has 16 Subject Teacher Deliberations (MGMP) groups, one of which is MGMP Media and Computers. In accordance with the National Education Standards, teacher competency skills in the media and computer fields are expected to always be updated, one of which is in mastering programming languages. Given the large number of teachers who still do not master the Python programming language, the purpose of this service activity is to provide Python programming language training to the teachers of the MGMP media and computer group at LP Ma'arif NU Yogyakarta.
The steps taken in community service activities are divided into several stages starting from planning, action, observation and reflection. The dedication program in the form of basic Python programming training has been carried out for 4 days online. The successful implementation of basic Python programming training activities was analyzed from several factors, including the percentage of participant attendance, increased training participant competence, and the level of participant satisfaction with the implemented training program.
The progress of participants' competency improvement is measured by comparing the results of the pretest that was carried out before the training activities with the results of the posttest that were carried out after the training activities. The results of the participants' posttest scores showed a significant increase compared to the pretest scores. The participants' pretest scores were in the range of 16-60 points with an average of 31.81, while the participants' posttest values were in the range of 36-88 points with an average value of 55 points. From this comparison, it can be seen that the basic python training program has succeeded in increasing the trainees' understanding of basic python programming. Some of the benefits obtained by the basic Python programming training participants are that the training program is able to add insight and compile the syntax of the Python programming language as well as an overview of the implementation of the Python language on hardware for teachers.
